Unlocked the Forza Motorsport 3 “Solid Gold” Achievement today

Post date: Aug 27, 2012 4:55:27 AM

Originally posted April 17, 2010

Wow, the day has finally come! Today I unlocked the Forza Motorsport 3 “Solid Gold” Achievement, without a doubt one of the hardest Achievements I’ve worked on getting. This Achievement probably takes around 300 hours to get and encompasses almost 1000 races ranging from 5 to 50 minutes each giving you 80 points if your crazy enough to attempt it.

I do have to admit thought that I did use the “Hire Driver” option on probably a little less than half of the 1000 races, especially the 50 minute endurance ones, once I found out you could do it that is . I left the “Drift Lap” 5G Achievement for last since I figured it’d be fun to try to get as the final one for the full 1000G, and on previous tries for it I got pretty close to 100,000 drift points so I don’t think it’ll be too bad.

I recorded a video of the last race, last lap (1 minute), and the 80G Achievement popping up for prosperity and threw it up on YouTube. Enjoy!