Firebug and Google Labs Page Speed are two of the best tools for a webmaster

Post date: Aug 27, 2012 4:51:09 AM

Originally posted March 23, 2010

I stumbled upon a Google Labs project called Page Speed and wanted to mention that this combined with Firebug on Mozilla Firefox are truly must have’s for any web site admin.

It helps you do things like leverage browser caching, pointing to files which should or could be cached. It helps to reduce the amount of DNS lookups by pointing out every link with a DNS request. It mentions things which could be compressed using gzip to save on transfer sizes, and tells you things which might be buggy in Internet Exploiter


Check it out and let me know if ya liked it or hadn’t heard of it before (Page Speed that is, Firebug has been out for a long time so it’s a little bit of old news).